Guaranteed Irish member GeoDirectory is the custodian of Ireland’s most comprehensive and accurate database of residential and commercial addresses, providing services relevant for a wide range of audiences from Government departments and private organisations of all sizes. The Guaranteed Irish newsletter is kindly brought to you by GeoDirectory, for the month of February.
Dara Keogh Managing Director, GeoDirectory talks their wide range of products, the impact of increased shopping online, shares a special offer with fellow Guaranteed Irish members and much more.
Can you give us a brief history of GeoDirectory?
GeoDirectory was set up by An Post and Ordnance Survey Ireland over 20 years ago to create a directory of all the residential and commercial addresses in Ireland. At present, the geodirectory contains 1.9 million buildings and over 2.2 million addresses in the Republic of Ireland.
GeoDirectory has developed a business data toolkit that is used by businesses of all sizes, in all sectors and industries, from delivering pizzas to ensuring emergency services reach their intended location in quick time and a whole host of services in between. Based in the GPO Dublin, our small team is made up of highly skilled technical, operational and business people.
GeoDirectory is the custodian of Ireland’s most comprehensive and accurate database of residential and commercial addresses, that is all 1.9 million buildings that receive post in the Republic of Ireland, providing services relevant for a wide range of audiences from Government departments, private organisations of all sizes, and individuals through products such as GeoAddress, GeoAddressFix, GeoAddress Checked and a free, award winning app called GeoFindIT.
GeoDirectory is in the unique position of having access to An Post’s resources of manpower and field knowledge along with the cutting edge technology of Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI). This means we receive new address and location information before anyone else in the market so our customers have the very latest, definitive data.
What are the challenges that you face in your business and how do you work to overcome them particularly in the current climate?
Like many organisations, one of the biggest challenges we’ve faced in recent months is the difficulty to work collaboratively in a virtual environment with our customers and partners to create and add value to our business data toolkit. We’ve really had to adapt and embrace virtual meetings, summits, webinars etc. We’ve become experts in wifi glitches, the mute button and the ins and outs of break rooms. Zoom, GoToWebinar, MS Teams and many others are our new windows to the world. We’re lucky to have these options.
What do you see as the biggest opportunity for Irish Businesses that GeoDirectory can assist with in 2021?
We believe one of the primary business shifts that Covid-19 has caused is a migration to online purchasing and we see this as the biggest opportunity for Irish businesses. It no longer enough to have a Facebook page and a website alone. Companies need to ensure they provide a smooth and seamless shopping experience just as customers would get in store.
We know that one of the key crunch points in an online transaction lies in the checkout process. Our recent research shows that 3 in 5 online shoppers will abandon the cart should they experience a problem filling out the order form. We have developed an automated solution that removes the pain of this for the customer and provides the business with certainty of customer address details to ensure fast, accurate delivery. Research has shown this will build trust, loyalty and repeat business.
What made you decide to become a member of Guaranteed Irish?
As an Irish company based in Ireland, supplying services for the Irish market we believe it is very important for us and our shareholders, An Post and OSi, to support Irish businesses and Irish brands which the Guaranteed Irish label represents.
Do you have a special message (or offer) for Guaranteed Irish business members?
GeoAddress Checked is an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows for direct automated integration between GeoDirectory’s dataset of 2.2 million Irish addresses and a business website or CRM system. This gives the business the capability to retrieve reliable and accurate address data to safeguard timely delivery, efficiency, customer satisfaction and repeat business.
GeoAddress Checked is sold in a batch of 2,000 address ‘look ups’ for €200. Guaranteed Irish members can avail of a 50% discount by referencing the code “GI2021” on enquiry. Offer valid until 31st March 2021.
How has being a member of Guaranteed Irish helped during Covid-19?
We have found Guaranteed Irish to be very supportive during Covid-19. The team are always willing to share our news and assist us in our endeavours. It is a pleasure working with such a proactive team.