


Guaranteed Irish promote quality, sustainable jobs for people living in Ireland.

Guaranteed Irish Sustainability Statistics 2022

In 2022, Guaranteed Irish, in association with Market Dynamics, conducted research with our members on the topic of sustainability. The findings included highlights such as 98% of members agree that Guaranteed Irish shows how support for local businesses and communities can help develop a sustainable local economy. With employment in 2021 up 9%, Guaranteed Irish members have planned recruitment this year which would result in an increase of 13% in employment by the end of 2022. See further highlights from our research here.


Looking Forward

Sustainability & Employee Wellness Programme

In 2022, Guaranteed Irish partnered with GIY to encourage sustainable food choices through their GROWCircle Corporate Engagement Programme.

GROWCircle is GIY’s Corporate Wellness and Sustainability Programme. The programme is designed to make growing food easy and accessible for employees, while supporting your organisation’s sustainability and wellbeing efforts. The GROWCircle programme incorporates both tangible and digital tools, ideal for employees who are working remotely, on-site, or on a hybrid working model. To learn more, see programme highlights here or contact